Православные Статьи

Major Feast Days

The Ascension of our Lord . . . . . June 9

Pentecost – Trinity Sunday . . . . . June 19

Parish Feast Day. All Saints . . . . . June 26

Nativity of St. John the Baptist . . . . . July 7

Ss. Apostles Peter and Paul . . . . .  July 12

The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ . . . . . August 19

The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary . . . . . August 28

The Beheading of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John . . . . .  September 11

The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary . . . . .  September 21

The Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross . . . . . September 27

The Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary . . . . .  October 14

The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple . . . . .  December 4


The Nativity according to the Flesh of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ . . . . .  January 7

The Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ . . . . . January 14

Baptism of the Lord . . . . . January 19

The Meeting of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ . . . . . February 15

The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary . . . . .  April 7

The Bright Resurrection of Christ, The Pascha of the Lord . . . . . April 16

The Sacrament of Holy Unction


Please read below so that you are prepared.

Таинство Елеосвященія (Соборованіе)

  1. Слѣдуетъ не опаздывать къ началу Таинства Елеосвященія;
  2. Собороваться могутъ только православные христіане;
  3. Дѣти младше 7 и лѣтъ НЕ соборуются;
  4. Женщины въ періодъ мѣсячнаго очищенія МОГУТЪ приступить къ Таинству Соборованія;
  5. Женщинамъ нельзя пользоваться косметикой;
  6. На Таинство всѣмъ слѣдуетъ приходить въ одеждѣ съ открытымъ воротомъ, женщинамъ – съ покрытой головой;
  7. Святое масло послѣ Соборованія раздавать НЕ положено;
  8. Къ началу Таинства всѣмъ необходимо имѣть въ рукахъ большую свѣчу.

Елеосвященіе (Соборованіе) – это Таинство, въ которомъ, при помазаніи больного освященнымъ еле- емъ (масломъ), призывается на больного Божественная благодать для исцѣленія его отъ тѣлесныхъ и душевныхъ недуговъ.

„Таинство св. елея“ учреждено Самимъ Господомъ нашимъ Іисусомъ Христомъ (Матѳ. 10:1; Мк. 6:13). О существованіи его въ древней Церкви, кромѣ апостола Іакова свидѣтельствуютъ Оригенъ и святители Ириней Ліонскій, Василій Великій и Іоаннъ Златоустъ (ими и составлены молитвы, читаемыя при совершеніи Таинства).

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The Sacrament of Holy Unction

  1. One should not be late for the beginning of the Sacrament of Holy Unction;
  2. Only Orthodox Christians may receive Unction;
  3. Children younger than 7 are NOT anointed;
  4. Women undergoing menstruation MAY receive Holy Unction;
  5. Women may not be wearing cosmetics;
  6. One should come to the Sacrament dressed with an open collar; women should cover their heads;
  7. The holy oil should NOT be given out after Unction;
  8. Each person should be holding a large candle for the beginning of the Sacrament.

Holy Unction is a sacrament that, by blessing the believer’s body with sanctified oil, calls down God’s grace, healing one’s physical and spiritual infirmities.

The sacrament of “anointing with oil” was instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself (Matt. 10:1; Mark 6:13). In addition to the Holy Apostle James, Origen and the Holy Hierarchs Irenaeus of Lyons, Basil the Great, and John Chrysostom all attest to its existence in the Early Church (indeed, they are the authors of the prayers read during the performing of the Sacrament).


Click here to download the Unction Rules as PDF

The New Icon of All Saints

The All Saints Mission was blessed to receive an icon of our patronal feast on the Sunday of Orthodoxy.

The icon was written by master iconographer Mirela Miron from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is the sister of our parishioner Claudia Vaida and has visited the parish several times now.

We are blessed to have this authentic work and the icon is on the main analoy in the center of the chapel. The plan is to use this icon on the permanent icon screen and Mirela has been commissioned to write the other icons for the main tier.

Anyone wishing to commission an icon for themselves or for All Saints is encouraged to do so. Her address is: [email protected] and her website is: www.mirelamiron.com.

Grant O Lord a properous, peaceful and blessed life to Your servant Mirela for many years!


В воскресенье Торжества Православия церковь Всех Святых получила икону нашего Престольного праздника.

Эта икона написана мастером-иконописцем Мирелой Мирон из Румынии, города Клуж-Напока. Она сестра нашей прихожанки Клаудии Вайда и уже несколько раз посещала наш приход.

Мы благословлены тем, что имеем эту икону в подлиннике на главном аналое в центре нашей церкви. Мы планируем положить икону на постоянный иконостас, для которого Миреле поручено написать и другие иконы.

Каждый желающий заказать икону для себя или для церкви Всех Святых может это сделать по адресу: [email protected] / www.mirelamiron.com.

Даруй Господи мирную, процветающую и благословенную жизнь рабе Твоей Миреле на многие лета!

+ Епископ Николай
The icon of our patronal feast was received on the Sunday of Orthodoxy
The icon of our patronal feast was received on the Sunday of Orthodoxy

Об участии верных в Евхаристии

03 февраля 2015 г.

Документ одобрен на Архиерейском Совещании Русской Православной Церкви, прошедшем 2-3 февраля 2015 года в Храме Христа Спасителя в Москве.

participation at eucharist

Евхаристия — главное Таинство Церкви, установленное Господом Иисусом Христом накануне Его спасительных страданий, крестной смерти и воскресения. Участие в Евхаристии и причащение Телу и Крови Христовым является заповедью Спасителя, через Своих учеников сказавшего всем христианам: «Приимите, ядите: сие есть Тело Мое» и «пейте из нее все, ибо сие есть Кровь Моя Нового Завета» (Мф. 26, 26-28). Сама Церковь есть Тело Христово, а потому Таинство Тела и Крови Христа видимым образом являет мистическую природу Церкви, созидая церковную общину.

Духовная жизнь православного христианина немыслима без причащения Святых Таин. Приобщаясь Святых Даров, верующие освящаются силой Святого Духа и соединяются со Христом Спасителем и друг с другом, составляя единое Тело Христово.
Таинство Евхаристии требует особого к нему приготовления. В Церкви само время — будь то время человеческой жизни или история всего человечества — есть ожидание и приготовление для встречи со Христом, а весь ритм богослужебной жизни — ожидание и приготовление к Божественной литургии и соответственно к причащению, ради которого она и совершается.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Confession


Before confession one should attempt to recall all the sins which one has committed voluntarily or involuntarily. One must attentively reexamine one’s life in order to recall not only those sins committed since the last confession, but also those which have not been confessed through forgetfulness. Then, with compunction and a contrite heart, approach the Cross and the Gospel and begin the confession of your sins.

  1. Confess your sins honestly, remembering that you open them not to a man, but to God Himself. God knows your sins already and only wants your admission of them. You should not be embarrassed before your spiritual father: he is a person just as you are. He knows human shortcomings well, man’s tendency towards sin. For this reason your spiritual father cannot be your terrible judge at confession. Is the reason that you are embarrassed before your spiritual father that you are afraid to lose his good opinion of you? On the contrary, your spiritual father will have all the more love for you when he sees your open, honest confession. Furthermore, if you are afraid to reveal your sins before just one person, your spiritual father, how will you overcome your embarrassment when you appear at God’s Last Judgment? There, all your sins which you have not confessed will be opened before God Himself, the Angels and all the people.
  2. Be specific when you confess, listing all your sins separately. St. John Chrysostom says: “One must not only say: I have sinned, or I am sinful, but one must declare each type of sin.” “The revelation of sins,” says St. Basil the Great, “is subject to the same law as the Declaration of physical ills…” The sinner is spiritually ill, and the spiritual father is the physician or healer. It stands to reason that one must confess or tell about one’s sins in the same way as one who is physically ill describes the symptoms of his illness to a physician from whom he expects to receive healing.
  3. Do not mention anyone else during confession, i.e. do not complain about anyone – what sort of confession is this? It is not confession, but judgement and a new sin.
  4. Do not attempt to justify yourself in any way during confession: blaming weakness, custom, etc. The more one justifies himself during confession, the less one is justified by God. The more one denounces, judges and accuses oneself, the more one is justified in the eyes of God.
  5. When questioned by your spiritual father, do not say: “I can’t remember, maybe I committed that sin.” God commanded us to always remember our sins. In order not to justify ourselves with not remembering, we must confess our sins as often as possible. Those who, because of carelessness, confess and take communion infrequently, and because of this forget their sins, have no one to blame but themselves. They cannot hope for remission of the sins which they failed to confess. Thus, it is imperative that we try to recall all our sins. When someone owes us something we are sure to remember this. Yet we forget our own debts before God! Does this not reveal an utter absence of concern for our soul on our part?
  6. Unless asked by your spiritual father, do not list the sins you have not committed or things you have not done. Doing this, you liken yourself to the Pharisee of the Gospel. You do not confess your sins, but boast, thereby increasing your judgment.
  7. We must confess with sorrow and a contrite heart the sins by which we have grieved our Lord God. It is not good that many tell of their sins matter-of-factly, without any remorse. They speak as though they are engaged in some casual conversation. What is worse, some even allow themselves to laugh during confession. These are all signs of unrepentedness. Confessing in this manner, we do not cleanse ourselves of our sins, but rather increase them.
  8. Finally, confess your sins with faith in Jesus Christ, with hope in His mercy. Only with faith in Jesus Christ and hope in Him can we receive forgiveness of our sins. Without faith, we cannot receive remission. An example of this is Judas the traitor—who was remorseful of what he did, but did not have faith in Jesus, no hope in His mercy, and thus ended his own life.

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Bless My Enemies O Lord

Bp. Nikolai Velimirovich

Bp. Nikolai Velimirovich was a Serbian bishop in the last century who spoke out courageously against Nazism until he was arrested and taken to Dachau.

Bless my enemies, O Lord. Even I bless them and do not curse them.

Enemies have driven me into your embrace more than friends have.

Friends have bound me to earth, enemies have loosed me from earth and have demolished all my aspirations in the world.

Enemies have made me a stranger in worldly realms and an extraneous inhabitant of the world. Just as a hunted animal finds safer shelter than an unhunted animal does, so have I, persecuted by enemies, found the safest sanctuary, having ensconced myself beneath your tabernacle, where neither friends nor enemies can slay my soul. Continue reading