Visit from the Holy Land & Slava
- Sunday, May 5th, 5 PM – Vespers;
- Sunday, May 5th, 6 PM – Presentation by Mother Maria about her school for the girls in the Holy Land and reception in her honor (we will be serving dinner as well).
- Monday, May 6th, 9 AM – liturgy for St. George the Wonderworker;
- Monday, May 6th, 10:30 AM – Vladyka is inviting everyone for lunch to celebrate his Slava – the feast of Saint George the Wonderworker – patron saint of his family (Serbian tradition, transferred from father to son through the generations). PLEASE COME!
Parish Feast – June 3rd, 2018
Property Cleanup
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Your Help Is Needed!!!
Saturday, May 12
Property cleanup beginning at 7:30AM.
Bring wheelbarrows, shovels rakes and gloves.
We are cleaning weeds and spreading stone in the planters.
Ladies are asked to bring snacks and lunch.
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Нужна ваша помощь!!!
Суббота, 12 мая
Субботник (уборка территории), начиная в 7:30 утра.
Принесите тачки, лопаты, грабли и перчатки.
Мы пропалываем сорняки и распределяем камни на клумбах.
Просим женщин принести что-то перекусить: снэк и ланч.[/lvwsiblock]