
Visit from the Holy Land & Slava

  • Sunday, May 5th, 5 PM – Vespers;
  • Sunday, May 5th, 6 PM – Presentation by Mother Maria about her school for the girls in the Holy Land and reception in her honor (we will be serving dinner as well).
  • Monday, May 6th, 9 AM – liturgy for St. George the Wonderworker;
  • Monday, May 6th, 10:30 AM – Vladyka is inviting everyone for lunch to celebrate his Slava – the feast of Saint George the Wonderworker – patron saint of his family (Serbian tradition, transferred from father to son through the generations). PLEASE COME!
Vladyka is encouraging everyone to visit this presentation and to yet to know Mother Maria from the Holy Land personally. It will be very interesting!
Serbian Slava

Property Cleanup

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Your Help Is Needed!!!

Saturday, May 12
Property cleanup beginning at 7:30AM.
Bring wheelbarrows, shovels rakes and gloves.
We are cleaning weeds and spreading stone in the planters.
Ladies are asked to bring snacks and lunch.
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Нужна ваша помощь!!!

Суббота, 12 мая
Субботник (уборка территории), начиная в 7:30 утра.
Принесите тачки, лопаты, грабли и перчатки.
Мы пропалываем сорняки и распределяем камни на клумбах.
Просим женщин принести что-то перекусить: снэк и ланч.[/lvwsiblock]