My dear faithful readers,
I started to write my memoirs at the 5th anniversary of my episcopate and over the years worked on them a little at a time hoping now to finish them this fall after starting some fifteen years ago. Milestones are always significant and this year marks the 50th anniversary of my ordination August 9, 1970.
Formation is one of the three parts in my memoirs and so I’m going to give a condensed version of who I am and some of what I have done and ask you to pretend like this is interesting when you see me.
My dear faithful readers,
I started to write my memoirs at the 5th anniversary of my episcopate and over the years worked on them a little at a time hoping now to finish them this fall after starting some fifteen years ago. Milestones are always significant and this year marks the 50th anniversary of my ordination August 9, 1970.
Formation is one of the three parts in my memoirs and so I’m going to give a condensed version of who I am and some of what I have done and ask you to pretend like this is interesting when you see me.