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All Saints Russian Orthodox Church


My dear faithful,

I am calling on our people to plan to do a general cleanup in preparation for Pascha.

The entire building, in fact, all of them have to be cleaned.

The yard has to be manicured. Bring your shovels, weed eaters, etc. to help make our church property shine for Pascha.

Saturday, April 1st starting at 10:30AM right after liturgy.

If you can come another time please call Vladyka 701-858-7801 to arrange how to get onto the property.

Everyone’s help is needed.

Our first Pascha in our new church!

Love and blessings,


Мои дорогие верующие,

Я обращаюсь к нашим людям, чтобы планировали участвовать в генеральной уборке в связи с подготовкой к Пасхе.
Всё здание полностью, а в принципе – и все здания, должны быть убраны.
Двор нужно “причесать”. Принесите свои лопаты, инструменты для удаления сорняков и т. д., чтобы сделать нашу церковь и территорию сияющей к Пасхе.

В субботу, 1го апреля, начиная с 10:30 утра, сразу после литургии.

Если Вы можете прийти в какое-то другое время, пожалуйста, позвоните Владыке по номеру 701-858-7801, чтобы организовать, как попасть на территорию церкви.

Нужна помощь каждого.

Наша первая Пасха в нашей новой церкви!

С любовью и благословениями,
+Владыка НИКОЛАЙ

(702) 858-7801 |

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Mail your donation to:
All Saints Russian Orthodox Church
5100 Smoke Ranch Road, Las Vegas, NV 89108


We, by our very nature, want everything right now. We want results NOW, and by our very rush we deprive ourselves of real progress, the progress that only comes through labor and struggle. By being in a hurry, we rely only on ourselves, and thus distance ourselves from the very relationship that will last for all eternity. The more we activate God’s presence in our life, the more we learn forbearance, and discover the truth that only a relationship with God has lasting value. Our greatest enemy on the road to our salvation is our own ego. By learning forbearance, we crush the power of the ego, and we unite ourselves to God.

Each and every act that we perform, no matter how insignificant or boring, can be used by God to sanctify our day. If we get into the habit of embracing whatever God sends to us with gratitude and humility, we will learn forbearance, allowing the Fruits of the Spirit to take hold in our heart. Learning forbearance is the root of all spiritual progress, for in learning forbearance, we receive whatever God sends our way as meant for our salvation. We know that God is with us, and that He loves us, and desires that we become one with Him, allowing our hearts to receive the Indwelling Spirit. With each step towards forbearance, like the saints, we well fear nothing, and experience the truth of the words, “God is everywhere present and fills all things”.

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